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來(lái)源:www.bu-xue.com???時(shí)間:2023-03-19 23:44???點(diǎn)擊:101??編輯:admin???手機(jī)版

The Western culture manner 's “ dinner table manners

The habit of have mealing of west is different from we much have, especially colloquy a western meal the party, rules is rather many.When join in a western meal parties should notice the following items:

1, the wine that foreigner is general did not let the habit let the vegetables, therefore you like to eat the what, no harm to much take the point.

2, should wait the all guest the in front to all ascended the vegetables, hostess to picked up her knife with after fork signal hint can just use the meal.

3, the table napkin should spread on the knee.Can also defend at the neck is last or chest front, but not very square.Can wipe the oil on your mouth or stains on the finger with table napkin dime, but the absolutely not can the wipe cutlery.

4, have meal to sit properly body not want two arms lay down horizontally on the table.

5, usage knife and fork hour, should the left hand use the fork, and by hand use the knife.Slice the meat should avoid the knife to slice on the porcelain dish to send out the sound.Midway let go of the knife and fork, and should report the eight the matrix cent put on the plate.If the knife and fork put together, mean to complete with meal.

6, want to drink the water, should be first food pharyngeal bottom.While drinking the water with glass cup, want to wipe the oil stains on the mouth first, and the in order to prevent make dirty the cup.

7, if sneeze or cough, or want the bathroom, should humality that face surroundings sorry.

8, have meal, always remain mum to is not polite , but mastication food the hour don't speak the words, and swallow again answer.

9, be the bellboy according to this give the guest top vegetables, walk to the left side that you, just the your turn take the vegetables.

Complete with meal, and the hostess stand to rise, and can just leave the seat.The table napkin puts on the table, and don't shine on the original kind fold good








古代中國(guó)素有“禮儀之邦”之稱,講禮儀,循禮法,崇禮教,重禮信關(guān)于中國(guó)人的宴席座次禮儀 ,守禮儀,是中國(guó)人數(shù)千年的傳統(tǒng)?!安粚W(xué)禮,無(wú)以立”,禮的核心是人的社會(huì)行為規(guī)范,是中國(guó)民眾已經(jīng)習(xí)慣和風(fēng)俗化了的社會(huì)性行為準(zhǔn)則、道德尺度與各種禮節(jié)。所謂“禮節(jié)民心,讓則不爭(zhēng)”;“衣食既足,禮讓以興”,禮就是個(gè)人利欲心的節(jié)制和人群利益的調(diào)度。講禮,就是要謙恭退讓,“禮”與“讓”往往相連,這就是“禮讓”一詞的由來(lái)和義釋。


